Tuesday, May 7, 2013

BIg RIver Journey

On Friday I went to the Mississippi River. My first station was in the captains room. The captains name was Bob. My team and I learned about the told he uses. He uses the steering sticks which are used for steering.

My next station was a bird watching station.My chaperones name was Cheryl. We were in the lobby first.Then I went to the deck to watch the birds. I saw swallows,blue herions and more.I learned lots.

The last station was the mystery of the missing water fall.I were in the lobby the whole time.The reason why it broke down was because the current was to strong.So the current chipped away the sand stone. The first layer was limestone,then shale and sandstone  

Field Trip

       On Friday, when we went on a field trip to a boat. When we got down on the boat we looked at our name tags and got on the top dinning room. We talked about the Mississippi river and after we talked we got to our first station. My first station  was about the big waterfall and we learned the how the Mississippi was formed and that it was formed when the gulf of mexico got a crack and it flooded until it got Minnesota. After that station we went to our 2nd station. My 2nd station was meeting the caption. He taught  us the controls and the radar and the map and about a dry dock. We saw another boat and that they tell you when they are near you like almost 3 or 4 miles away.  After that we went to our last station and it was about birds. So they taught us about birds that we may see and some that we did see. When we got started some sleet came and some kids went in. We saw lots of birds and and a few dreakes. When we were done with all the stations we went back upstairs. At the end we shared what we did until we were at the dock.

By Jamie

Monday, April 1, 2013

MCA practices

By Genevieve and Emma

In Mrs. Struble’s class we are doing MCA math and reading practice.
       Let’s start with reading!!! We do reading packets with stories and questions. To get us ready for the MCA. For example, we do stories and one of our stories was called
“A Humming Bird that Hums”. It was a nonfiction article that had questions like what makes a humming bird hum. We normally get stories with different numbers of questions like 5,6,7. We also get different genres like nonfiction and fiction. After we read the article and answer the questions. We correct the packet and if we get anything wrong we have to go back and correct the problem. Then we get a new packet. And when we get the new packet we do the same thing for more and more practice.
      Now math!!! In math we sort a do the same thing but we do math packets and math questions and the questions are like:  

32 x 67

Each question gives 4 multiple-choice answers. We normally get a week to finish so if you have to do them, good luck!!!



By Danial and Wyatt

There are 4 specialists art, library, music, and physical education. [A.k.a. gym] We have every specialist every 4 days.  
            Art is about drawing, painting, clay, and learning about famous painters.
            Library is about checking out books and learning about famous people and some holidays.
            Music is about singing, playing instruments, and learning about famous musicians.
            Phys-Ed is about exercising and teaching us how to eat healthy. The sports we play are basketball, volleyball, rollerblading, self defense, gymnastics, floor hockey, track and field, bowling, soccer, stations, and running the half, 3 quarters, and full 1 mile.   

Instrument Picking

Instrument picking
This week Mrs.Firchow is picking 4th grade students to pick the instrument that they will play in 5th grade band.
One day she will pull you out of class to test for what instrument you are going to be playing. Usually she will show you how to play that instrument and you will play it. she will ask you questions to see if you are ready or if you are a good fit for the instrument you are playing. Mrs.Firchow lets you choose your instrument but gives advise saying if she thinks you are a good fit or not.  you might want to play the instrument your friends are playing but it might not be the best fit for you so pick the right one!!!
the different groups ARE: percussion, brass, woodwind,ECT
Everykind of instrument has a special talent that tells them apart
 woodwinds have a reed to blow into that makes the sound.
(only the flute has no reed)    
brass instruments have a big tube at the end which are
motley curled into a spiral.
Percussion instruments are instruments that you hit.
there are a lot of instruments in the world that you
can play that are not in our band. so if you are good at an
instrument in band you might be good at other instruments from that family.
so have a good tine picking an instrument!
this is Genevieve & ritisha saying bye-bye!
by: Genevive&


By Vann and Wyatt
            A blog is something you can talk about the school. You can blog about anything that is school related. You can blog about STEM, specialists and assemblies.
            So you have to think of something to write about. Then you have to use supporting details or else people won’t really know how cool or fun what you are writing about really is. Then you write it in your writing notebook and when done writing it in your notebook you show it to a teacher and if she approves it. You can get a laptop and type it. Then when you are done typing. The teacher will proof read it and when done proof reading it. You can post it.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Pop Up Books


The pop up book is an engineering design challenge for trimester two. There are three challenges you can do in the school year, this is number two. You have to do one out of three. 
We can make a book with as little as one page.  You can do any amount you want. There does not have to be any words, color, or a certain theme.
One very simple way to make a pop up book is to first, fold a piece of paper in half. Then you cut a square out of the middle of it. Next, you open up it and you have a square pop out. Finally, you cut something out on a different piece of paper and glue it to the square and you have a pop up book.  There are several different ways to make a pop up book.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


By: Sebastian & Vikash
Recorders, Recorders
Recorders are like a tiny clarinet that you play.  In 4th grade we start something called recorder karate.  They have a concept of music and karate.  The first belt is white belt, than yellow belt, orange, green, purple, blue, red, brown, black.  Once you get to black you can start doing pink belts, but that doesn’t mean that you have to do pink belts after you finish black belt.  You can start whenever you want. 

Belts for Karate
For each belt you have to master 1 song.  If you mess up it isn’t mastery.  So the practice at home part is the repetition.  Then you go to your music teacher to finish the belt.  Now that is mastery!

School Partitioning
       You get school days to try and master a belt.  If you do not make the belt, you can come after school any day as long as your music teacher is available and try to learn it.  You are supposed to practice at home to get better at the songs. Then try the song at music or your classes testing day.
       Once you do it for about a month you only get one more day to test before you’re stuck with the belts you got.  Then you get ready for the concert.  In the concert we will be doing a mix between singing and doing recorders.  It will be very interesting to do and fun.  There will be some very jumpy songs and some very good canons.   

Monday, March 4, 2013



Hi! This is Vahini and Genevieve blogging. We are doing this blog about specialists.
         First we are going to talk about MUSIC!!! Right now we are learning and playing the recorders. There are lots of belts to play and lots of belts to go. You could get so far, that you could get a second book!
         Next we are going to talk about ART!!! In fourth grade art, we are making portraits of our classmates. Lately we have been learning about the history of art.
         In gym we have been learning a new unit, basketball. To practice dribbling and making hoops, we have been playing basketball games. Such as lightning and more.
         In media we have been working on our floats, for I love to read month. Plus we have been picking…(DRUMROLL) … “BOOKS”.
This is Genevieve and Vahini saying … “GOODBYE”!!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Hand Fans

Hand Fans

Hi! Internet readers, this is Genevieve and Ritisha blogging here. We are going to be blogging about hand fans.
         In engineering, we are building our own hand fans. If you want to make one you need to have:

-A good airflow
-An on/off switch
-Needs to be under a certain amount of money
-Needs to fit comfortably in your hand

         The tools you might want to use are:

-Battery & motor
-Tape/electric tape
-Paper clip/fastener
-Craft sticks
-Hard/ strong paper

         Here are the steps you will need to make the hand fan:

         1.you need to plan, how you’re going to build it.
         2.you need to figure out what your doing
         3.you need to find out how much you’re spending and what your budget is.
         4.you start building
         5.you test it
6.you make it better

Finally You Are Finished!

The buz room

The Buz room

Hi! Internet readers this is Nandana and Vahini blogging. Today we are going to type about 3 stations in the BUZ room. The topic of the BUZ room is engineering.
         The first station of the BUZ room is float your boat. In float your boat you have to make a clay boat, and put it in the water to see how many pennies you can hold before your boat sinks. How many could you hold?
         The second station of the BUZ room is circuit play. What you do there is choose a circuit set and add devices to your structure to make something. Such as a fan and a electric light bulb.
         The last station we will “BUZZ” about is the marble maze! You have to create a structure to let the marble run through the maze, without failing. To make it “BUZZTASTIC”. You might want to add obstacles to your course.
         You might want to do these projects at home. This is Nandana and Vahini buzzing off!!!  

Friday, January 4, 2013

Amazing Marbles

This exploration class is called Amazing Marbles! On the first day we went to all different stations. One was a magnetic marble run. We made marble runs out of blocks and had the regular marble run. There was a challenging one that looked really fun but it turned out to be really hard to put together. We also  had to make a marble run out of tubes and tape. On the second day we made marble runs with pizza boxes and clay.We got to take them home along with a marbles. On the third day we learned how to play the game Marbles. We also got to take home a bag of marbles!
By: Mikala S.