Tuesday, May 7, 2013

BIg RIver Journey

On Friday I went to the Mississippi River. My first station was in the captains room. The captains name was Bob. My team and I learned about the told he uses. He uses the steering sticks which are used for steering.

My next station was a bird watching station.My chaperones name was Cheryl. We were in the lobby first.Then I went to the deck to watch the birds. I saw swallows,blue herions and more.I learned lots.

The last station was the mystery of the missing water fall.I were in the lobby the whole time.The reason why it broke down was because the current was to strong.So the current chipped away the sand stone. The first layer was limestone,then shale and sandstone  

Field Trip

       On Friday, when we went on a field trip to a boat. When we got down on the boat we looked at our name tags and got on the top dinning room. We talked about the Mississippi river and after we talked we got to our first station. My first station  was about the big waterfall and we learned the how the Mississippi was formed and that it was formed when the gulf of mexico got a crack and it flooded until it got Minnesota. After that station we went to our 2nd station. My 2nd station was meeting the caption. He taught  us the controls and the radar and the map and about a dry dock. We saw another boat and that they tell you when they are near you like almost 3 or 4 miles away.  After that we went to our last station and it was about birds. So they taught us about birds that we may see and some that we did see. When we got started some sleet came and some kids went in. We saw lots of birds and and a few dreakes. When we were done with all the stations we went back upstairs. At the end we shared what we did until we were at the dock.

By Jamie