Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Pop Up Books


The pop up book is an engineering design challenge for trimester two. There are three challenges you can do in the school year, this is number two. You have to do one out of three. 
We can make a book with as little as one page.  You can do any amount you want. There does not have to be any words, color, or a certain theme.
One very simple way to make a pop up book is to first, fold a piece of paper in half. Then you cut a square out of the middle of it. Next, you open up it and you have a square pop out. Finally, you cut something out on a different piece of paper and glue it to the square and you have a pop up book.  There are several different ways to make a pop up book.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


By: Sebastian & Vikash
Recorders, Recorders
Recorders are like a tiny clarinet that you play.  In 4th grade we start something called recorder karate.  They have a concept of music and karate.  The first belt is white belt, than yellow belt, orange, green, purple, blue, red, brown, black.  Once you get to black you can start doing pink belts, but that doesn’t mean that you have to do pink belts after you finish black belt.  You can start whenever you want. 

Belts for Karate
For each belt you have to master 1 song.  If you mess up it isn’t mastery.  So the practice at home part is the repetition.  Then you go to your music teacher to finish the belt.  Now that is mastery!

School Partitioning
       You get school days to try and master a belt.  If you do not make the belt, you can come after school any day as long as your music teacher is available and try to learn it.  You are supposed to practice at home to get better at the songs. Then try the song at music or your classes testing day.
       Once you do it for about a month you only get one more day to test before you’re stuck with the belts you got.  Then you get ready for the concert.  In the concert we will be doing a mix between singing and doing recorders.  It will be very interesting to do and fun.  There will be some very jumpy songs and some very good canons.   

Monday, March 4, 2013



Hi! This is Vahini and Genevieve blogging. We are doing this blog about specialists.
         First we are going to talk about MUSIC!!! Right now we are learning and playing the recorders. There are lots of belts to play and lots of belts to go. You could get so far, that you could get a second book!
         Next we are going to talk about ART!!! In fourth grade art, we are making portraits of our classmates. Lately we have been learning about the history of art.
         In gym we have been learning a new unit, basketball. To practice dribbling and making hoops, we have been playing basketball games. Such as lightning and more.
         In media we have been working on our floats, for I love to read month. Plus we have been picking…(DRUMROLL) … “BOOKS”.
This is Genevieve and Vahini saying … “GOODBYE”!!!