Monday, March 4, 2013



Hi! This is Vahini and Genevieve blogging. We are doing this blog about specialists.
         First we are going to talk about MUSIC!!! Right now we are learning and playing the recorders. There are lots of belts to play and lots of belts to go. You could get so far, that you could get a second book!
         Next we are going to talk about ART!!! In fourth grade art, we are making portraits of our classmates. Lately we have been learning about the history of art.
         In gym we have been learning a new unit, basketball. To practice dribbling and making hoops, we have been playing basketball games. Such as lightning and more.
         In media we have been working on our floats, for I love to read month. Plus we have been picking…(DRUMROLL) … “BOOKS”.
This is Genevieve and Vahini saying … “GOODBYE”!!!

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