Monday, April 1, 2013

Instrument Picking

Instrument picking
This week Mrs.Firchow is picking 4th grade students to pick the instrument that they will play in 5th grade band.
One day she will pull you out of class to test for what instrument you are going to be playing. Usually she will show you how to play that instrument and you will play it. she will ask you questions to see if you are ready or if you are a good fit for the instrument you are playing. Mrs.Firchow lets you choose your instrument but gives advise saying if she thinks you are a good fit or not.  you might want to play the instrument your friends are playing but it might not be the best fit for you so pick the right one!!!
the different groups ARE: percussion, brass, woodwind,ECT
Everykind of instrument has a special talent that tells them apart
 woodwinds have a reed to blow into that makes the sound.
(only the flute has no reed)    
brass instruments have a big tube at the end which are
motley curled into a spiral.
Percussion instruments are instruments that you hit.
there are a lot of instruments in the world that you
can play that are not in our band. so if you are good at an
instrument in band you might be good at other instruments from that family.
so have a good tine picking an instrument!
this is Genevieve & ritisha saying bye-bye!
by: Genevive&

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