Tuesday, November 27, 2012

By Samyak


I go to the after school class called "Eye See". Eye see is every thursday. In eye see we learn about the different parts of the eye such as the cornea. The cornea is the part of the eye that takes in light to help you see. Did you know the pupil is just a hole in your eye? Well it is, thats cool! There are other parts of the eye like the lens. The lens is like glasses but glasses are to improve peoples sight. Your cornea gets bigger in the dark to take more light in, and gets smaller in the light so that your eye doesn't burn taking in to much light. We do a lot more activities such as digging in a cows eye and looking and studying all of the parts of the cows eye. There is only 1 major difference between a cows eye and a human eye that is that the cows eye is bigger than the human eye. This is why I think this is a nice thing that I am sharing about my favorite after school class "Eye See". Thank you for reading my blog.   

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