Monday, November 26, 2012




By: Nandana and Genevieve 4S

Hi! You Internet readers! It’s Nandana and Genevieve typing. This blog is about inventions! In Mrs. Struble’s class we are studying famous inventors. From all over the world there is some most popular inventions. For example, THE LIGHT BULB!!! Was invented for light when it got dark out or you did not have any windows or peeks of light. THE TELEPHONE!!! Is used for talking to people from different places all over the world. Next, THE CAR!!! The purpose of the car is to help you travel from one place to another and/or to go to far away places. What do students use every day? A PENCIL!!! A pencil is used for writing things on paper for school, or rembering things and just for drawing. Next… THE PEN!!! Is used for writing things on paper but you can’t erase it. By the way Thomas Edison built the light bulb and Alexander Graham Bell built the telephone. And there you go, there some inventions that people use every day!!!  Thank you!


  1. I love this one!!!!


  2. Nice Job Nandana and Genevieve
    :] Vikash

  3. Good work Nandana & Genevieve. :P
