Friday, November 16, 2012

Mr. Linden's library

     Mr. Linden’s Library
      Inspired by a Harris Burdock story

There was a young 15 - year - old girl named Loise. Loise lived in Italy. Loise loved to read. She went to the library every evening after school and read for hours. One fine evening Loise asked the librarian Mr. Linden for one of the new books that they got last week, “ Um, excuse me Mr. linden, could I please read one of the new books?” “ Why sure our future librarian.” Mr. Linden replied. Mr. Linden gave Loise a book named The Secret Garden. Loise read the book not once but twice. After she read it the second time Loise asked, “May I please check out this book Mr. linden?” “You may but don’t fall asleep while reading this book!” Mr. Linden warned her. “Why not?” asked Loise. “We have discovered that if you sleep while reading this book creatures will rise from this book!” “And how do you know?” Loise said. Mr. Linden sighed, “Other people have check out this book and was never seen again.” “ Then why do you have this book?!” some other girl asked impastiantly waiting in the check out line. “If we get rid of this book it will kill all who even glimpses at the book!” Mr. Linden said. “Now may I please check out my book!” Loise said sternly. “I’ve warned you!” Mr. Linden reminded Loise. “ I don’t believe in ghosts!” yelled Loise and marched out of the library. When Loise got home her mother asked, “Where have you been?” “At the library mom.” “Hey mom, dad, check out the book I got at the library.” “ The Secret Garden by Harris Cursive looks good.” Loize’s dad said. Later that night Loise got ready for bed and brought her book with her to read. “ Huh sleep while you read this book and you will never be seen again! Ha Ha people these days!” Loise murmured to herself. Loise hopped on her bed and began to read. Hours passed Loise was at the ending of the book and started to fall asleep.… weeds started to grow from the book, racing winds went faster and faster! Birds started to fly from the book. Loise woke up and was terrified! As soon as the winds started they stopped. Then a portal opened and sucked Loise in. The booked closed. A minute later it opened again, Loise was half way through the portal, Loise screamed! Loize’s parents cam running in to her bed room, all they saw was a closed book on Loize’s bed. The years passed it would have been Loize’s 18th birthday. Mr. Linden warned her, Loise should have listened.          
                 By Mallory B. 4B
               a Harris Burdock story