Monday, November 26, 2012

                                                                   The Secret Of Zoom

                               Mrs.Knutson's class is reading a book called "The Secret Of Zoom". This book is about a girl named Christina who is trapped in her house with no one to talk to but her cook, her big fat nanny who can't climbed the stair's and her really,REALLY scientific dad. Then one day an orphan named Taft comes to her and becomes her friend and Christina finds her dad's secret tunnel to the forest. But there's more to the orphanage, The tunnel and the accident between her mom, Beth Lomeski and her dad Leo Lomeski find out what it is in "The Secret Of Zoom".

        Hope you like the book!!!

   By: Sisira


  1. Nice job explaining it, Sisira :)!

  2. Your explanation of the book is so convincing that it will make anyone want to read it Sisira!
