Friday, December 21, 2012

All About Chess

All About Chess!
                                             By: Jibril. A and Atilla. S

Chess is about stratagy and knowledge. Chess is also about knowing what figure to move. All the front pieces are called Pawns and the 2 middle back pieces are called King and Queen. And then the ones next to them are called Bishops. The ones next to those are called Knights. Then next to that is called rooks. On there first move the Pawns can move 2 spaces forward! The King can move only one space.
The Queen can move anywhere it wants and as much as it wants. The Bishop can move diagonal. Knights can move in a L shape. Rooks can move forward, backward, and sideways as many spaces as it wants. Every piece can move backwards except for the Pawns. That's why chess is AWSOME! And you should try it.

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