Friday, December 21, 2012

All About Chess

All About Chess!
                                             By: Jibril. A and Atilla. S

Chess is about stratagy and knowledge. Chess is also about knowing what figure to move. All the front pieces are called Pawns and the 2 middle back pieces are called King and Queen. And then the ones next to them are called Bishops. The ones next to those are called Knights. Then next to that is called rooks. On there first move the Pawns can move 2 spaces forward! The King can move only one space.
The Queen can move anywhere it wants and as much as it wants. The Bishop can move diagonal. Knights can move in a L shape. Rooks can move forward, backward, and sideways as many spaces as it wants. Every piece can move backwards except for the Pawns. That's why chess is AWSOME! And you should try it.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

TFK Election Votes

       TFK Electoral
           BY: Sydney & Emma  

      In class we learned how voting works through a video online. Also on TFK’S website we learned that they count votes by state electoral votes and not on how many people vote. We went on the TFK website and saw each of the two candidates views so we knew who to vote for.
       For voting day Mrs. Strubles’ class voted for who our class wanted to win. She printed off pieces of paper and on it was two little boxes and by each box there where the two candidates Obama and Romney.
      We made a check on the box of the candidate that we wanted to vote for and put it in a bin. Mrs. Struble counted the votes and then she told us who won in the class and the winner in our class was Barack Obama.

Thank you for reading our blog 
I hope you liked our blog !!!!!!!!


Crash: A Book Review

Mrs.Knutson's class read the book Crash. In this book Crash Coogen the Football Star is not afraid to say what he needs to say. But when Penn Webb gets in the way Crash becomes the bully. When Mike, Crash's Friend takes the prank to far, Crash may have to choose who side he is really on. Find out what happens in the book CRASH by:Jerry Spinelli.

Blog by: Sisira A. and Mikala S.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Inventor's Fair

Inventor's Fair
By: Mulki & Logan 4K

The Inventor's Fair is a 4th grade unit where all 4th graders use materials from home to make an ORIGINAL invention. Then 3rd grade comes and asks/looks at your invention.
"The funnest part was building the unknown." 

You also need a poster,too, for explaining/naming your idea. "Some of my favorites were the Mega Mitt, Sun buster, and Card Collector," said an unknown student. 

It's pretty fun, Families get to come too!

My Trip to Ja Biztown

By Samyak T.                                 

                                        My Trip To Ja BizTown 

My trip to "Ja BizTown" was amazing! I had 3 bags of popcorn, 2 cups of pop, a folder, and 500 post-it notes. At Ja BizTown we had a bank account. I was head (CEO) of my business. I called it Software palace. My break was busy, very, very busy. When I was on my break I had to open my savings account and my bank account to do this I had to sign my deposit ticket, my check register and a check for $1.50 for my savings account. Also I had to have my lunch and/or snack. Every business did not pay their bills. If they did, our company would have made a lot of profit. Our loan was for $214.20. We also used money. I had a very big salary. My salary was for $50.00 per day, I am very proud for earning this big of a salary. My trip to Ja BizTown was amazing. We learned a lot we never gave up and almost made a profit. This was my best day ever! I hope you enjoyed my blog.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Heartbeat Chorus


I am in HeartBeat Chorus. Heartbeat Chorus meets every Tuesday or Thursday. I am in the Tuesday class. We sing and do warm ups. We are perfoming on Friday the Twenty-First at the sing-along. Last week we had a field trip to Seasons. Seasons is a retirement home. We go to sing and after that we ate cookies and drank juice. We got to meet new people. It was really fun.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


 4th grade is doing an inventions unit. They get to build inventions and present them to other people. We have studied the inventions that people had invented in the past to give on what we should make. We will finally present are inventions on Dec.13.2012 to families and friends.


The 2012 Presidential Election
By Alexa and Genevieve 4S

The Presidential Election happens every 4 years. Two candidates run for President, but only one candidate can win to run the country. The candidates have to get most of the United States votes to be President. The candidates have to have a Vice President. A President can be elected for two terms.  Each term is 4 years long. 2 times and that’s it. I say that‘s not fair. The election takes a long time to find out who is going to be the next president. There are debates and those debates tell what those candidates will do if they get elected for President. For the election, the first person to get 270 or more electoral votes wins! Every state votes and in the state, the people vote for one candidate the one with the most votes in the state wins! People don’t have to vote. You have to be 18 or older to vote. Thanks for reading our blog! We hope you liked it. 

By Samyak


I go to the after school class called "Eye See". Eye see is every thursday. In eye see we learn about the different parts of the eye such as the cornea. The cornea is the part of the eye that takes in light to help you see. Did you know the pupil is just a hole in your eye? Well it is, thats cool! There are other parts of the eye like the lens. The lens is like glasses but glasses are to improve peoples sight. Your cornea gets bigger in the dark to take more light in, and gets smaller in the light so that your eye doesn't burn taking in to much light. We do a lot more activities such as digging in a cows eye and looking and studying all of the parts of the cows eye. There is only 1 major difference between a cows eye and a human eye that is that the cows eye is bigger than the human eye. This is why I think this is a nice thing that I am sharing about my favorite after school class "Eye See". Thank you for reading my blog.   

Water Towers
By Atilla

Water towers are big towers that have tanks. The tanks hold water and delivers water to different peoples houses. Also water towers have the city name on it too. Water towers can be in many different shapes also. Water towers also come in different sizes too! Water facilities deliver the water to water towers with pipes that are under ground. Water towers are very high too. Every city has a water tower even small cities. Some cities have two water towers like Apple Valley.


Monday, November 26, 2012

                                                                   The Secret Of Zoom

                               Mrs.Knutson's class is reading a book called "The Secret Of Zoom". This book is about a girl named Christina who is trapped in her house with no one to talk to but her cook, her big fat nanny who can't climbed the stair's and her really,REALLY scientific dad. Then one day an orphan named Taft comes to her and becomes her friend and Christina finds her dad's secret tunnel to the forest. But there's more to the orphanage, The tunnel and the accident between her mom, Beth Lomeski and her dad Leo Lomeski find out what it is in "The Secret Of Zoom".

        Hope you like the book!!!

   By: Sisira




By: Nandana and Genevieve 4S

Hi! You Internet readers! It’s Nandana and Genevieve typing. This blog is about inventions! In Mrs. Struble’s class we are studying famous inventors. From all over the world there is some most popular inventions. For example, THE LIGHT BULB!!! Was invented for light when it got dark out or you did not have any windows or peeks of light. THE TELEPHONE!!! Is used for talking to people from different places all over the world. Next, THE CAR!!! The purpose of the car is to help you travel from one place to another and/or to go to far away places. What do students use every day? A PENCIL!!! A pencil is used for writing things on paper for school, or rembering things and just for drawing. Next… THE PEN!!! Is used for writing things on paper but you can’t erase it. By the way Thomas Edison built the light bulb and Alexander Graham Bell built the telephone. And there you go, there some inventions that people use every day!!!  Thank you!


There are so many things that humans have created, but there is one thing no human invented... Nature! Nature is amazing in many ways. It holds many secrets. There are so many questions that we have that nature holds. For example, What are the different elements that we have not discovered?or Are there new species of life somewhere on the Earth?or Is there a type of plant that has not been discovered? I,m sure, if scientists study Nature a little bit more carefully, all these questions will be answered. You can learn lots of things about Nature too. All you have to do is go outside and study some plants or animals.

By Tanvi 4K

Monday, November 19, 2012



We just finished the flinkers an engineering design challenge. Now we are working on filters, another engineering project. This time we do it in school. We were working in groups, which made it fun. We got to work with new materials that we have never used before. In the beginning Mrs. Foss gave us screens, coffee filters, art sand and gravel, and after that we had another lesson and she gave us felt and cheesecloth.  (Felt is a fabric that is often used for sewing and clothes, cheesecloth is a material mostly used for tablemats and other things). Here are some tips on how to make a filter. 1. Find everyday materials, 2. Put a hole in the bottom of a plastic pop bottle, 3.cut off the bottom of the bottle get some water with soil in it, 4. Put your filter over the bottom and see if the water is clear. We have something we want you to know… always make sure you being open minded to new materials because that’s how we made our filter. We were always open-minded and were willing to take other ideas from other people. So we wish you good luck on your filter! Thank you for reading! Hope you liked it!!!!!
                    Blogged By: Nandana N. & Averie H. 4S

Friday, November 16, 2012

Mr. Linden's library

     Mr. Linden’s Library
      Inspired by a Harris Burdock story

There was a young 15 - year - old girl named Loise. Loise lived in Italy. Loise loved to read. She went to the library every evening after school and read for hours. One fine evening Loise asked the librarian Mr. Linden for one of the new books that they got last week, “ Um, excuse me Mr. linden, could I please read one of the new books?” “ Why sure our future librarian.” Mr. Linden replied. Mr. Linden gave Loise a book named The Secret Garden. Loise read the book not once but twice. After she read it the second time Loise asked, “May I please check out this book Mr. linden?” “You may but don’t fall asleep while reading this book!” Mr. Linden warned her. “Why not?” asked Loise. “We have discovered that if you sleep while reading this book creatures will rise from this book!” “And how do you know?” Loise said. Mr. Linden sighed, “Other people have check out this book and was never seen again.” “ Then why do you have this book?!” some other girl asked impastiantly waiting in the check out line. “If we get rid of this book it will kill all who even glimpses at the book!” Mr. Linden said. “Now may I please check out my book!” Loise said sternly. “I’ve warned you!” Mr. Linden reminded Loise. “ I don’t believe in ghosts!” yelled Loise and marched out of the library. When Loise got home her mother asked, “Where have you been?” “At the library mom.” “Hey mom, dad, check out the book I got at the library.” “ The Secret Garden by Harris Cursive looks good.” Loize’s dad said. Later that night Loise got ready for bed and brought her book with her to read. “ Huh sleep while you read this book and you will never be seen again! Ha Ha people these days!” Loise murmured to herself. Loise hopped on her bed and began to read. Hours passed Loise was at the ending of the book and started to fall asleep.… weeds started to grow from the book, racing winds went faster and faster! Birds started to fly from the book. Loise woke up and was terrified! As soon as the winds started they stopped. Then a portal opened and sucked Loise in. The booked closed. A minute later it opened again, Loise was half way through the portal, Loise screamed! Loize’s parents cam running in to her bed room, all they saw was a closed book on Loize’s bed. The years passed it would have been Loize’s 18th birthday. Mr. Linden warned her, Loise should have listened.          
                 By Mallory B. 4B
               a Harris Burdock story 

The Balloon Powered Car

The Balloon Powered Car
In 4th grade we are learning about a balloon powered car what we need is a balloon a body, wheels axle body for the wheels it could be buttons fake tires bottle caps and for a body we could use a water bottle juice box and a card board sheet for a axle we could use straws chopsticks.  The balloon powered car it has to look cool and fancy for the connector for attaching wheels to an axle it could be a dry sponge or foam or clay or even a marshmallow cut in half that is all we need for the balloon powered car.

Written by Tanya in Bernard’s class room

Technolagy water cycle

In technology  were working on a voice thread about the water cycle. We had three paragraphs one about the water cycle. One on the water usage chart and one on a way to conserve water. After we type the paragraphs we save the paragraphs onto the voice thread web site then you can see them on C.P voice threads for the rest of the year. 
        By; Jacob D. and Nadir M.

The water cycle

                                        The water cycle
The water cycle starts with water accumulation that’s when it is stored in oceans, lakes, streams, and rivers. Next in the water cycle is evaporation that when the water turns in to vapor. Then is condensation that’s when the vapor turns in to clouds. After that is perspiration that when the vapor/water fall and forms water accumulation That’s the water cycle.

1. The Water cycle goes on and on forever.
2. Did you know that the water cycle starts on the earth.
3.The water cycle helps us.
4.We get water from the water cycle.
5. You should never waste water it is what we need.
               By Abdullahi  and Zakaria

Friday, November 9, 2012

Quality Comments

Watch this short video tutorial from some friends in Mrs. Yollis' Class in California!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

JA Biztown

JA Biztown
     JA Biztown is a place where kids can be adults for one day.  This responsibility will stimulate kids interests when they grow up.  Kids can choose many jobs to work in.  Just like president, there is a job called mayor.  Even though mayor isn’t as high, mayor still holds great responsibility.
    JA Biztown is educational and at the same time, it’s fun. It prepares prior knowledge for there future life.  Like, writing checks, running jobs, hard work, and big responsibility.
                                           JA biztown is a place for kids!
                                   Written By: Sebastian E. and Vikash G.
                                             4th Grade STEM Blog 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Water Cycle

The Water Cycle 
By: Sydney And Emma
In fourth grade we are learning in science about the water cycle. We had to write about the 4 parts, they are: precipitation, collection, evaporation, and condensation. This is how it works. Precipitation is when the clouds get too heavy to hold the rain, hail, sleet and snow. When that happens it all falls to the earth. Then collection comes in. Collection is when the liquid falls to the earth. The grass or cracks in the street will collect the water. Then the 3rd part of the water cycle comes in is evaporation. Evaporation is when the collecting water comes up in to the air. Then condensation comes in. Condensation is when the evaporating water comes high enough to form into a cloud. And remember there is no end or start to the water cycle. That’s our water cycle project